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Who is Avensoft?


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Author Subject:   Who is Avensoft?


Feb 7, 2001, 11:37 PM

Who is Avensoft? Quote | Reply

Perfect Tracker is perfect software. We recently decided to move our helpdesk inside and will be able to use Perfect Tracker to fully approximate what our outsourcer had in place for a fraction of the cost. My question is though: Who is Avensoft? What's the story?


Feb 8, 2001, 12:31 PM

Re: Who is Avensoft? Quote | Reply

We started in 1997 out of the frustration of not being able to find a reasonably priced and professionally implemented help desk and bug tracking software. We developed a Windows based, a Java based and HTML based help desk software. The HTML based one proved to be the most customizable and most powerful one. The first two were dropped. The HTML based help desk software is now called Perfect Tracker. To date, approximately 900 licenses have been sold world wide. To date, we spent virtually 0$ on advertising. More than 50% of new customers are refered to us by old customers. It is been ported to several languages by the customers themselves thanks to its HTML/SQL based open architecture.

In the age of information overloading, we believe in simplicity. Time is life. Every minute of everybody counts. We have gone a long way to achieve simplicity to save our customer's time. Our effort show in many aspects of Perfect Tracker. To name a few: Single file download; Built in web server to provide simple installation; Simple layout to provide ease of use.
Perfect Tracker is also the most powerful help desk software because it is based on a scripting language we created called htSQL. If you know some HTML and SQL, you can do almost anything with Perfect Tracker.

Our confidence on Perfect Tracker is also demonstrated by our offer of free trial at with no question asked and no sales rep. to waste you time with annoying phone calls. Try it to believe it.


Apr 10, 2001, 1:21 AM

Re: Who is Avensoft? Quote | Reply

I have been designing web sites for some time now. My company (AAA Arizona) decided to implement a new software about a year ago. I found Avensoft and played with it for about two months. It's been in place for about six months and is doing just fine. Although Avensoft has only email support, they have always been prompt in their replies. Usually getting back to me within one business day.

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